AWS Well-Architected Çözüm Ortağı Programı

AWS en iyi uygulamalarını hayata geçirin, riskleri azaltın ve güçlü uygulamalar oluşturun

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AWS Well-Architected Çözüm Ortağı Programı, kuruluşların hem mimari açıdan doğru alışkanlıklar edinmesine ve riskleri azaltmasına hem de tasarımları, uygulamaları ve iş yüklerini etkileyen değişikliklere daha hızlı müdahale etmesine yardımcı olur. AWS Well-Architected Çözüm Ortakları, hem işinizin hem de müşterilerinizin ihtiyaçlarına uygun yüksek kaliteli çözümler oluşturmak, en iyi uygulamaları hayata geçirmek, iş yüklerinin durumunu kontrol etmek ve iyileştirmeler yapmak için gereken uzmanlığı kazanır.

AWS Well-Architected'ı kullanmaya yeni mi başlıyorsunuz? AWS Well-Architected Framework'ün, bulut mimarlarının uygulamaları ve iş yükleri için güvenli, yüksek performanslı, dayanıklı ve verimli altyapılar oluşturmasına nasıl yardımcı olduğunu öğrenin.

Aşağıdan başarı öykülerini inceleyin ve nasıl kullanmaya başlayacağınızı öğrenin.

Build robust applications with AWS Well-Architected best practices (1:19)

Müşteri ilişkilerini zenginleştirin

İş yüklerinde yüksek risk teşkil eden konuları tespit edip ortadan kaldırmak için AWS Well-Architected Framework İncelemeleri'nden yararlanın. Böylece müşteri güveni inşa edin ve yeni müşteri ilişkilerine zemin hazırlayın.

AWS en iyi uygulamalarını hayata geçirin

Zamandan tasarruf edin, maliyetleri düşürün, verimliliği artırın ve iş yükü uygunluğunu izleyip geliştirmek için müşterilere gerçek bilgilere dayanan iyileştirme planları sunun.

Görünürlüğünüzü artırın

Uzmanlığınızı müşterilere, AWS ekiplerine ve çözüm ortaklarına göstermek için Well-Architected tayiniyle pazarlama teminatında AWS Çözüm Ortağı rozetinizi kullanın.

İş yüklerinizde riskleri azaltmak mı istiyorsunuz?

Müşteriler Deneyimlerini Paylaşıyor

AWS Well-Architected Programı Çözüm Ortaklarının Başarı Hikayeleri

Showing results: 36-40
Total results: 120

öğe bulunamadı 

  • Retail

    HomeTiger & CloudHero

    HomeTiger, which builds marketplaces that sell millions of home and garden products to customers across Germany and France, improved the reliability and scalability of its websites after it migrated a key part of its IT infrastructure to Amazon Web Services (AWS). The company decided to migrate after problems with its physical systems led to a costly 5-hour outage of its websites. With help from AWS Partner CloudHero, HomeTiger migrated its Elasticsearch database to AWS, using Amazon EC2 and Amazon VPC, and completed the project in less than 3 months with zero downtime.

  • Healthcare

    OMNYS Helps Werfen Consolidate Infrastructure and Improve Security Using AWS

    Werfen is a worldwide leader in the areas of hemostasis, acute care, transfusion, autoimmunity, and transplant, with a focus on specialized diagnostics. It needed to transform its Italian IT infrastructure by consolidating its on-premises Oracle databases and improve its data security. Working with AWS Partner OMNYS, Werfen designed and executed a migration plan using AWS Migration Hub and AWS Database Migration Service. The migration consolidated its infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and reported a 25 percent performance boost.

  • Automotive

    Aston Martin Lagonda Drives Sales Increase with Data Reply Using AI on AWS

    Aston Martin Lagonda (AML), a British manufacturer of ultra-luxury high-performance sports cars and sports utility vehicles (SUVs), increased customer engagement, provided dealer partners with better customer insights, and improved predictions by 85 percent using a propensity-to-buy model powered by artificial intelligence (AI) on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Previously, AML’s customer data had been siloed across systems, making it difficult to access and share. As part of a migration to a new Salesforce instance, data analytics firm Data Reply cleaned and integrated the data using AWS services. Working with Data Reply, AML has successfully restructured its data, establishing a global customer view crucial for international clients.

  • Media & Entertaintment

    LCM Go Cloud Helps Antenna Cut Video Archive Retrieval from Days to Minutes with Amazon S3 Glacier

    TV station Antenna’s 30-year archive of news footage, stored on tape at an offsite location, took days for the news department to retrieve for breaking news, so the company chose to migrate its archiving processes to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Staff can now retrieve archived footage 280 times faster than they could from tape. With the help of AWS Partner LCM Go Cloud, Antenna has optimized long-term archiving costs, removed manual tape handling, and freed up 50 TB from its local storage servers to increase the flexibility of its digital video library and bring agility to the fast-paced newsroom.

  • Construction & Real Estate

    Ellaktor Group Uses LCM Go Cloud to Improve Data Backup and Cut Costs Using AWS

    Ellaktor Group was finding the process of backing up its data to tapes, then managing and storing those tapes, was growing cumbersome and chose to migrate the process to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Over 46 years of operation, the company—a large infrastructure group headquartered in Greece—had accumulated more than 70 TB of data that it needed to keep safe and secure. With the help of AWS Partner LCM Go Cloud, it was able to back up the data to its thousands of employees and save 40 percent of backup costs annually.

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