Amazon AppStream 2.0 now allows you to use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your fleets

Posted on: Mar 8, 2017

You can now use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your Amazon AppStream 2.0 fleets. With CloudWatch metrics for AppStream 2.0, you can easily view the size and utilization of your fleet resources, and you can set alarms so that you can be notified when there is insufficient capacity to support your users, and react to changes in your fleet.

You can access CloudWatch for AppStream 2.0 in two ways. First, the AppStream 2.0 management console provides a graphical view of the state of your AppStream 2.0 fleet, and offers up to two weeks of historical usage data. Metrics are displayed automatically, and don’t require any setup. Second, you can access metrics through the CloudWatch management console or the CloudWatch APIs. Using CloudWatch, you can specify reporting intervals, create custom dashboards and graphs, and set alarms. To learn more about using CloudWatch to monitor your AppStream 2.0 fleets, please visit the documentation here.

CloudWatch metrics for Amazon AppStream 2.0 are available today in all AWS regions where AppStream 2.0 is offered. There is no additional charge for viewing CloudWatch metrics for AppStream 2.0. You may incur additional charges for setting up CloudWatch alarms and retrieving CloudWatch metrics via the CloudWatch APIs. Please see the CloudWatch pricing page for details.

If you are new to Amazon AppStream 2.0, you can try applications already installed on AppStream 2.0 by visiting the Amazon AppStream 2.0 website.