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活動/AWS 合作夥伴活動

AWS 合作夥伴活動有哪些?

AWS 合作夥伴活動包括網路研討會、虛擬研討會以及現場學習機會。




AWS 合作夥伴活動旨在吸引 IT 主管、開發人員、資料科學家和業務決策者。


無論您是剛剛開始雲端之旅還是正在應對新的業務挑戰,您都會發現各種 AWS 合作夥伴活動會激勵和給予您指導。

即將舉辦的 AWS 合作夥伴活動

Showing results: 37-42
Total results: 98
  • Security

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Fortinet

    Simplify Security Across Amazon VPCs with AWS Network Firewall and Fortinet Managed IPS Rules

    Is managing security of your Amazon VPCs challenging? Join our webinar with AWS to learn how Fortinet Managed IPS Rules with AWS Network Firewall lets you focus on growing your business on AWS without compromising security.

    On Demand
  • Security

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Fortinet

    Defend Your High Performance Web Applications with Amazon CloudFront and Fortinet WAF

    Today, you not only need to build applications that meet the global scale and performance requirements demanded by your customers, but also secure those applications against an ever expanding and evolving threat landscape. To help you keep pace with modern application deployments, Fortinet, an industry leader in application security, and Amazon CloudFront, AWS’s secure and high performing Content Delivery Network, have partnered to provide customers industry-leading performance and security on AWS.

    On Demand
  • IoT

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Hitachi Vantara

    Accelerating and Optimizing Business Outcomes with Industrial IoT and AI

    Explore the importance of co-innovating to develop new Industrial Internet of Things applications in this on-demand session with AWS, Hitachi Vantara, IIoT World, and Forrester.

    On Demand
  • Migration

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Cognizant

    Cloud Acceleration with AWS and Cognizant

    Join us as we explore the challenges IT leaders face on their cloud journey - and present solutions from Cognizant and AWS

    On Demand
  • IoT

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: CloudRail

    Challenges of Industrial IoT

    In this webinar, learn how Woodside leverages digital twins and robotics to monitor operations 24/7 at one of its Liquefied Natural Gas facilities in Western Australia.

    On Demand
  • IoT

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: ADLINK

    Join this webinar to discuss how artificial intelligence, edge computing, and cloud computing are transforming physical work and answering business challenges in 3PL warehouses today.

    On Demand
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AWS 舉辦各種活動,包括線上和個人活動,讓雲端計算社群的成員結合在一起,以便與 AWS 專家交流、協作及學習。

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隨需 AWS 技術會談

AWS 線上技術會談是精選的隨需線上簡報,涵蓋了各種技術等級的廣泛主題。這些技術會談由 AWS 解決方案架構師和工程師主持,其特色是技術討論、即時示範、客戶範例以及 AWS 專家主持的問答時間。

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AWS 高峰會

AWS 全球高峰會是免費的活動,該活動將雲端運算社群結合在一起,以互相交流、協作和學習 AWS 的相關知識。加入 AWS 高峰會,了解雲端如何加速各種規模企業的創新

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