AWS 雲端基礎設施

對於需要建置、執行和擴展無伺服器應用程式的企業而言,維護安全性是整個程序中非常重要,但也很費時耗力的一環。立即了解AWS 安全服務如何讓應用程式開發團隊能夠快速、 敏捷和放心地營運。

下載白皮書,五分鐘了解 AWS 如何助您優化業務

加快從創意落實為 MVP

對於資源、時間和預算均受限制的新創公司來說,讓最低可行產品 (MVP) 快速上市可能存在不少困難。幸運的是目前已有可作為指導原則的最佳實務,讓您可以放心地勇往直前。閱讀電子書《加快新創公司的完整堆疊 Web 與行動應用程式開發》(Accelerate Full-Stack Web and Mobile App Development for Startups) 以探索一些經實證的最佳實務,了解這些實務如何協助您的團隊加快從創意發想,再至產品上市的速度,提高產品市場媒合度,以便持續與不斷擴展的客戶群互動,以及與投資人一起提高成長動力。

《在 AWS 上建置事件驅動架構》

提供了事件驅動架構 (EDA) 的概觀,這類架構重塑了建置和部署應用程式的方式。指南中介紹了一些重要概念,例如應用程式元件之間的相互依賴程度降低、EDA 內的架構模式,以及常用來實作它們的 AWS 服務。指南中也逐一說明了建置 EDA 的考量與最佳實務,從設計事件結構描述到處理等冪性都涵蓋在內,同時還提供了範例使用案例,例如 IT 自動化和應用程式整合。


現代化應用程式建置時所使用的最新科技與開發技術,可以支援加快創新及提高效能、安全性和可靠性,同時降低總體擁有成本 (TCO)。全球決策者選擇 AWS 及 AWS 合作夥伴,以加速創新、減少新的應用程式上市所需時間,並且創造全新的客戶體驗。電子書《將 AWS 合作夥伴視為您信任的顧問共同建置現代化應用程式》概述了三個我們的客戶持續採行,讓開發生命週期之程序自動化,同時提高可靠性、安全性和客戶價值的路徑。

使用無伺服器 SaaS 方法讓敏捷性與上市效率達到最大化

許多組織機構認為軟體即服務 (SaaS) 是提高效率和規模經濟的好方法,但在找出正確的架構策略組合時可能面臨困難。探索為何無伺服器會在 SaaS 成本與取用達成一致、以及創造更高 ROI 領域逐漸成為最熱門的選項。下載我們的白皮書《無伺服器:讓 SaaS 成本與取用達到一致的終極選擇》,並探索無伺服器如何讓團隊從各自的 SaaS 環境獲得更大的成本效益,同時能將更多時間與精力花在建立特性與功能,使其產品組合與眾不同。


9-16 (33)
Showing results: 9-16
Total results: 33
  • Retail

    AWS Case Study: MyDress

    MyDress enables fashion labels in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan to sell clothes and accessories to customers in Hong Kong. MyDress runs a Magento e-commerce platform and associated systems on AWS rather than having to invest in a physical data center. Using AWS, the company can support an average growth rate of 70 percent per year and marketing campaigns that can increase traffic by up to 100 percent, while reducing operating expenditure by 20 percent per year over two years.
  • Software & Internet

    AWS Case Study: polljoy

    Startup polljoy aims to improve ratings for mobile applications in app marketplaces. The firm is running its web services, software development kit, and databases in AWS. This has enabled polljoy to achieve 99.999 percent infrastructure availability while supporting more than 1,000 user requests per second during peak periods.
  • Software & Internet

    AWS Case Study: Cenique

    Cenique's shopper-insight and digital-signage solutions provide retailers across the globe with an easy way to analyze in-store customer behavior and optimize marketing strategies accordingly. The company migrated its analytics platform to AWS after experiencing frequent downtime with on-premises servers. By moving to AWS, Cenique has reduced its operating costs by 60 percent and scaled to support a tenfold increase in customers.
  • Software & Internet

    Kopi Incorporation Case Study

    Kopi Incorporation has achieved a range of benefits from operating on AWS, including the critical ability to scale efficiently and cost effectively to support new customers as they come on board.
  • Banking

    Neat Keeps Customer Accounts Protected with AWS

    Neat is complying with Hong Kong financial regulations by keeping customer accounts safe with AWS. The fintech company offers an online alternative to a traditional bank account. The company's core fintech application is located inside an Amazon VPC and it uses Amazon GuardDuty for threat detection services.
  • Retail

    SHOPLINE Buys Time and New Customers with Serverless on AWS

    By building its platform on AWS, SHOPLINE adopts modern technology such as containers to quickly scale its business and infrastructure while minimizing cost. SHOPLINE is an omnichannel smart commerce platform based in Hong Kong that helps global customers bring their businesses online. It uses AWS Lambda as a serverless compute engine, Amazon EKS to run Kubernetes applications, and AWS Shield Advanced to protect against DDoS attacks.
  • Financial Services

    TNG Management Saves 30–40% of Its Time With AWS as a Single-Source Provider

    TNG FinTech Group securely migrated targeted workloads to AWS to reduce analytics processing time through automation.
  • Travel & Hospitality

    Cathay Pacific Airways Case Study

    Cathay Pacific Airways, one of the world's leading airlines, has improved software-development speeds by 67 percent using AWS. The airline flies to nearly 200 destinations in 49 countries and territories.
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