AWS 製造產業能力合作夥伴

透過擁有深厚技術知識和經客戶成功實證的 AWS 專業化合作夥伴,推動創新並釋放更高的商業價值

AWS 製造產業能力合作夥伴提供支援多種類別的解決方案,包括工程和設計、智慧製造 (機器人、工作者安全和生產力)、智慧產品和服務、企業解決方案、營運技術安全、供應鏈管理、永續發展和營運技術,以實作端對端的價值鏈。 

AWS 合作夥伴的 AWS 能力合作夥伴解決方案與產品可協助您將資源專注於最佳化生產、創造新的智慧型產品商機,以及提高整體價值鏈的營運效率上,從而實現該目標。

AWS 能力合作夥伴計畫旨在透過嫻熟的 AWS 技術專業知識和可靠的客戶成功經驗來識別、驗證和推廣 AWS 合作夥伴。AWS 能力合作夥伴計畫已確認以下合作夥伴已證明能夠協助客戶將應用程式和舊式基礎設施遷移到 AWS。

AWS 合作夥伴網路工業軟體能力合作夥伴標誌

依類別搜尋 AWS 製造產業能力合作夥伴

此類別的解決方案可加速開發時程和縮短上市時間,以加快創新速度、降低成本並改善協同合作。解決方案包括設計階段中使用的應用程式和服務,涵蓋電腦輔助設計 (CAD)、電腦輔助工程 (CAE)、Electronic Design Automation (EDA)、電腦輔助製造 (CAM)、產品生命週期管理 (PLM)、自動化系統程式設計和產品資料管理 (PDM)。


此類別的解決方案著重於使用硬體和軟體 (通常稱為產業控制系統),以監控和控制實體程序、裝置和基礎設施。營運技術解決方案執行的任務涵蓋從監控關鍵基礎設施到控制製造現場的機器人。此類別的解決方案可能涉及 SCADA (監控和資料擷取) 和 PLC (可程式設計的邏輯控制器) 等控制系統、OPC (程序控制 OLE) 或 PROFINET 等通訊網路、HMI (人機界面),資料擷取系統、分析軟體和安全解決方案。可在製造現場遠端控制和管理營運技術系統的雲端託管應用程式也屬於此類別。 

此類別包含可最佳化現場營運、最大化生產力、提高品質,以及提高工作者生產力和安全性的解決方案。這些解決方案利用方法和技術,將資料從營運技術 (OT) 系統中解放出來,同時使用機器學習 (ML) 和人工智慧 (AI) 等新的邊緣和雲端功能,從資料中取得新的洞見。機器人和工業自動化是當今智慧工廠的關鍵基石,對於提高營運效率和降低成本至關重要。這些解決方案可協助製造商確保產品品質並減少不良品,同時推動加快程序和提升資產效能。工業資料營運、雲端託管製造執行系統 (MES)、製造營運管理 (MOM) 和工廠資訊管理系統 (PIMS) 解決方案屬於此類別。

與 AWS 製造產業能力合作夥伴交流

與經過技術驗證的 AWS 合作夥伴合作,推動創新、達成業務目標,並充分發揮 AWS 服務效益。

AWS 合作夥伴能源能力標誌


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      48 Hours, 0 Unplanned Downtime: How Tech Mahindra and AWS Helped RS Group Migrate to the Cloud

      United Kingdom

      RS Group, a global product and service solutions provider for industrial customers, faced challenges with its on-premises infrastructure, which limited its ability to scale and innovate. RS Group partnered with AWS Partner Tech Mahindra and Amazon Web Service (AWS) for a full lift-and-shift migration to the cloud. The migration, of which the digital production platform move was completed in only 48 hours without any unplanned downtime, has improved RS Group’s performance up to 150 percent. It has accelerated the time it takes to make infrastructure changes up to 95 percent and lowered technical debt by 12 percent. Operating on AWS has also empowered RS Group to scale efficiently, enhance resilience, and continuously innovate with AWS services.

    • Manufacturing

      Kärcher Works with Zoi to Launch Cloud-Native Manufacturing Facility on AWS


      Kärcher, based in Germany, is a global manufacturer of cleaning equipment. It operates with more than 160 subsidiaries in 82 countries worldwide. The company wanted to ensure that it could deliver products to its customers on time and at competitive costs. Given the disruptions in global supply chains since the COVID-19 pandemic, the company has undertaken to optimize the responsiveness of its supply chain with a cloud-first approach to operations. It also decided to build a new manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Kärcher wanted this greenfield facility to be cloud-native to provide flexibility while eliminating hardware purchases, reducing efforts needed for maintenance, and improving insights into operations. It worked with AWS Partner Zoi to build that solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS), eliminating an initial six-digit investment in hardware, license, and maintenance costs and ready to start production in just 11 months.

    • Manufacturing

      DS Smith Enhances Procurement Spending Insights Using ML-powered Solution from on AWS

      United Kingdom

      DS Smith is a London-based supplier of paper and packaging solutions with 2024 revenues of £6.8 billion and is a FTSE 100 company. It has facilities in more than 30 countries employing more than 30,000 staff. Over the last several decades, much of its growth has come from acquisitions, leading to a complex mix of disparate legacy systems. To help it get better insights on how it was spending its procurement budget, it connected with AWS Partner to create a procurement spend analytics (PSA) solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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    • AWS 工業軟體諮詢合作夥伴特色客戶使用案例
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      • Prateek Agrawal, Harvinder Bajaj, Soumen Saha, Mrunal Daftari, Faisal Oria, 2025年3月8日
        Discover how Capgemini and AWS collaborated to create TELme, a groundbreaking generative AI solution that revolutionizes product research and design in manufacturing. By enabling engineers to efficiently search and summarize vast repositories of technical content using natural language queries, TELme significantly reduces design lifecycle timelines and accelerates time-to-market for new products.
      • Kurt Mueller, 2025年3月6日
        We are excited to announce the general availability of MQTT enabled SiteWise Edge gateways for AWS IoT SiteWise. Bringing this functionality into AWS IoT SiteWise Edge allows you to develop a unified approach to data management that is essential for quick decision-making and continuous process optimization across the organization. Most factories today contain a mix [...]
      • Emily O'Kelly, 2025年2月28日
        It’s that time of year again, and Hannover Messe 2025 is right around the corner. Hannover Messe is the world’s leading trade show for industrial technology, focusing on high-tech and innovative solutions to help overcome global industrial challenges. Taking place in Hannover, Germany March 31st – April 4th, Hannover Messe attracts 130,000 on-site attendees from [...]
      • Jamie Kuo, Kage Yang, 2025年2月20日
        Introduction: In today’s manufacturing landscape, organizations are integrating artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing. These technologies help improve efficiency, quality control, and innovation across various manufacturing processes. By using real-time data, predictive analytics, and automation, manufacturers can increase productivity and competitiveness in the global market. However, [...]
      • Yudho Ahmad Diponegoro, MComp, 2025年2月14日
        Co-authored by Falk Brauer, SVP, Product & Technology – CPQ, Zilliant, and Joshua Tan, Account Manager, AWS Excellent customer experience is a key reason why customers choose and continue to use a product. This is also true for software-based applications. An experience which allows productive use of the end users’ time is widely preferred. With [...]


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