AWS 解決方案程式庫


探索來自 AWS 和 AWS 合作夥伴的解決方案

現在,許多組織正在尋找經審查的解決方案和架構指引,以快速解決商業挑戰。 無論客戶喜歡現成的部署還是可定製的架構,AWS 解決方案程式庫載有 AWS 和 AWS 合作夥伴精心打造的各種解決方案,適用於廣泛的產業與技術使用案例。

AWS 服務


AWS 解決方案

整合 AWS 服務、程式碼和組態的可部署解決方案


AWS 合作夥伴提供的軟體、SaaS 或受管服務



4-6 (9)
Showing results: 4-6
Total results: 9
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1 3

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19-27 (1628)
Showing results: 19-27
Total results: 1628
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  • Multimodal Video Analytics of Smart Product Subscription Services on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how providers offering smart product subscriptions can use large language model (LLM) inferencing to create innovative video analytics services that drive customer value and revenue.
  • Multimodal Data Processing Using Amazon Bedrock Data Automation

    This Guidance shows how Amazon Bedrock Data Automation streamlines the generation of valuable insights from unstructured multimodal content such as documents, images, audio, and videos through a unified multi-modal inference API.

  • Collaborative, Unified Data and AI Development on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to use Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio to create a unified development experience for building, deploying, executing, and monitoring end-to-end workflows across AWS data, analytics, and AI/ML services. 

  • AWS 上的安全洞察

    在 QuickSight 中部署與 Amazon Security Lake 和 Amazon Q 整合的附加解決方案。該解決方案會建立一個設有生成式商業智慧的自動化儀表板,可讓使用者深入了解其安全資料並提升整個企業的安全狀態。

  • Amazon DeepRacer Chatbot

    This Guidance illustrates how to deploy and use the AWS DeepRacer Chatbot, an intelligent virtual assistant powered by multimodal generative AI and domain adaptation techniques.
  • Deploying Rancher RKE2 at the Edge on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to deploy Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE2) at the edge with AWS services, enabling organizations to run mission-critical workloads in tactical edge environments with Denied, Disruptive, Intermittent, and Limited (DDIL) communication.
  • Retail and Commerce Media Monetization on AWS

    This Guidance illustrates how retailers can setup a Media Insights platform that serves as a central hub for the retailer’s commerce and media monetization using their data and analytics.
  • 無伺服器影像處理常式

    部署此解決方案,結合高度可用且可靠的 AWS 服務及開放原始碼影像處理軟體 Sharp,使 AWS 雲端上的影像操作經濟實惠。
  • Automated Geospatial Insights Engine on AWS

    This Guidance shows how build an automated geospatial insights engine on AWS to improve supply and demand forecasting and risk management.
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