Anthem 使用 Amazon Textract 實現智慧索賠處理



健康保險公司花費數百萬美元從索賠表和隨附的附件中擷取敏感資訊以執行其業務操作。在 Anthem,每份索賠平均需要 20 分鐘來手動擷取這些資訊。為了減少體力勞動,該公司希望自動化此程序。

AWS re:Invent 2020:保險行業的智慧文件處理 (29:45)

我們希望 Amazon Textract 之類的技術將協助 Anthem 成為一個數位優先的組織。」

Reddi Gudla
Anthem 主管副總裁

Anthem 的解決方案

Anthem 求助於 Amazon Web Services (AWS),從而使用 Amazon Textract 來數位化和自動化其索賠程序。Amazon Textract 是一種全受管的機器學習服務,可自動從掃描的文件中擷取印刷文字、手寫文字和其他資料)。Anthem 之所以選擇 Amazon Textract,是因為其影像處理能力、偵測資料表和表單的能力,以及對安全與合規標準的遵從。

醫療供應商向 Anthem 的供應商入口網站提交文件後,文件會進入資料存放區並傳送至採用 Amazon Textract 技術的數位處理功能。在此功能中,Amazon Textract 使用光學字元辨識來擷取資料,並使用機器學習自動索引和分類每個文件。然後將處理的索賠提供給 Anthem 利害關係人。

進一步了解 AWS 與醫療保健

使用 AWS 取得的效益

  • 擷取和數位化資料以每天快速處理數以千計的索賠
  • 自動化 80% 的索賠處理工作流程
  • 預計在 AWS 上實現 90% 或更高的自動化程度


關於 Anthem

Anthem 是美國最大的健康保險供應商之一。


Showing results: 25-28
Total results: 291


  • Europe, Middle East, & Africa

    dacadoo Keeps Data Secure, Compliant for Customers Worldwide Using AWS

    Switzerland-based software-as-a-service startup dacadoo aims to help people improve their health and wellbeing through its digital health engagement solutions. The company has customers around the globe, so processing data securely and in line with laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the US is vital. Geoffrey Schiavon, dacadoo’s head of marketing and client success, talks about delivering a compelling experience to customers’ end users, and how support from AWS is a winner.
  • Netherlands

    SkinVision Case Study

    Breght Boschker, CTO of SkinVision, looks forward to a new frontier in digital healthcare where technology enables early detection and awareness of health conditions. SkinVision aims to save human lives by putting technology in people’s hands for skin health self-assessment in the comfort of their own homes.
  • Brazil

    Sírio-Libanês Hospital Revolutionizes its Cloud Financial Management in 5 Months

    Encompassing an expansive area of approximately 1,076,391 square feet in the heart of São Paulo, Brazil, alongside a cutting-edge healthcare facility in Brasília, the Sírio-Libanês Hospital is a hub offering over 60 specialized medical fields and a capacity exceeding 500 hospital beds. Bridging a multidisciplinary clinical team with state-of-the-art technologies, the hospital has consistently achieved pioneering milestones.
  • France

    Thanks to AWS, One BioSciences is revolutionising single-cell sequencing and waging war on cancer

    In the fast-moving biotech environment shaping the future of medical research, the emerging company, One BioSciences, has taken genetic sequencing to a new level. The company has developed a protocol able to analyse individual cells and the way in which they communicate with each other. It's a highly accurate process that could lead to new cancer treatments, but it also generates huge volumes of data. That's why One Biosciences has chosen to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) solutions to drive its research.
1 73


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