客戶案例 / 金融服務 / 美國

2024 年
Nasdaq 標誌

Nasdaq 利用 AI 支援的無伺服器平台提供永續發展洞察

Nasdaq 在 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 上建置平台,以協助其客戶減少永續發展和環境、社會、管控 (ESG) 揭露所需的人工作業。

Nasdaq IR Insight 是投資人關係平台,讓客戶能夠管理投資人活動、向高階主管團隊提交內部報告,並尋找新的目標投資者。聆聽 Nasdaq 投資人關係情報產品負責人 James Tickner 分享該公司的客戶如何應對新的永續發展和 ESG 影響報告要求,這些要求導致他們必須分析大量的非結構化資料和文件。為了協助客戶應對這些挑戰,Nasdaq 使用 Amazon BedrockAWS Lambda,打造了名為 Nasdaq Sustainable Lens 的無伺服器、採用 AI 技術的 ESG 解決方案。

此解決方案能分析公司揭露的數萬份文件,取代了以往分析這些文件所需的大量人工。藉由 Sustainable Lens,客戶可以大幅減少分析永續發展和 ESG 揭露所需的人工作業。他們可以藉助隨需洞察,快速與競爭對手進行基準比較、了解其與法規或架構的一致性,並監控更廣泛市場中的永續發展和 ESG 趨勢。

關於 Nasdaq

Nasdaq 是領先的全球科技公司,為企業客戶、投資經理人、銀行、經紀商和交易所營運商提供服務,協助他們駕馭全球資本市場和更廣泛的金融體系並與之互動。

使用的 AWS 服務

Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock 是一項全受管服務,透過單一 API 提供來自領先 AI 公司的各種高效能基礎模型 (FM) 選擇 (例如 AI21 Labs、Anthropic、Cohere、Meta、Mistral AI、Stability AI 和 Amazon),同時具備各種廣泛功能,可用以建置設有安全、隱私與負責任 AI 的生成式 AI 應用程式。

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AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda 是一種運算服務,可執行程式碼以回應事件並自動管理運算資源,使其成為將想法轉化為現代生產無伺服器應用程式最快捷的方式。

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Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 507


  • United States

    Speeding Up Security Forensics by 97.5% Using AWS Step Functions with OneMain Financial

    OneMain Financial used AWS Step Functions and Amazon EC2 to build its own digital forensics solution, OneFor(ensics), saving costs and reducing the time between alert and investigation.
  • Other

    Nomura Uses Llama Models from Meta in Amazon Bedrock to Democratize Generative AI

    Learn about Nomura's journey to democratize generative AI firm-wide using Llama models from Meta in Amazon Bedrock.
  • Malaysia

    Deriv Boosts Productivity and Reduces Onboarding Time by 45% with Amazon Q Business

    Deriv, one of the world’s largest online brokers, faced challenges accessing vast amounts of data spread across various platforms. It turned to AWS for help and adopted Amazon Q Business, a generative artificial intelligence (AI) tool, to retrieve and process data from multiple sources. By setting up connections to Slack, Google Docs, Google Drive, Web Crawler, and GitHub, Amazon Q Business quickly became integral across departments, including customer support, marketing, content creation, and recruiting. By leveraging Amazon Q Business, Deriv reduced the time spent onboarding new hires by 45 percent, minimized recruiting task times by 50 percent, and dramatically streamlined campaign management for marketing teams.
  • Chile

    Crece Más Drives 45% Sales Growth for Small Businesses with Facele and AWS

    Crece Más, a company devoted to helping entrepreneurs thrive, wanted to develop a platform to give small businesses tools to automate operations and grow—but struggled to secure funding. With the help of AWS Partner Facele and Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, Crece Más secured funding to develop a platform to manage inventory, sales, deliveries, and more. With an impressive new application, Crece Más has grown its customer base by 45 percent in just six months. The platform allows small businesses to scale, increase sales by up to 45 percent, and reduce operational costs by 25 percent, helping them expand into new markets and contribute to regional economic growth.

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