2023 年
NatWest 標誌

NatWest Bank 如何使用 AWS 個人化客戶體驗

NatWest Group 是英國最大的銀行之一。該公司正式成立於 1968 年,其淵源可追溯到 1727 年。NatWest Group 希望利用其豐富的舊式資料對自家個人、商業和企業銀行業務以及保險服務進行創新和個人化。資料和分析長 Zackary Anderson 討論該公司使用機器學習和資料分析為其 2000 萬客戶的龐大客戶群提供互動和個人化簡訊。NatWest Group 已使用 Amazon SageMaker 成功部署近 100 個機器學習模型,目標是在未來兩年內部署數千個模型。此公司個人化簡訊方法的影響非常顯著,包括在六個月內為貧窮社群的客戶節省近 50 萬英鎊的自動櫃員機費用、減少欺詐案件,以及提高整體客戶福祉。

使用的 AWS 服務

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker 是根據 Amazon 長達 20 年開發真實世界 ML 應用程式的經驗精心打造而成,包含產品推薦、個人化、智慧採購、機器人和語音輔助裝置。

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Showing results: 25-28
Total results: 625


  • Japan

    SBI Life Insurance develops a document search solution with Amazon Kendra and generative AI, and streamlines call centers with a selfbot

    Using generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities from Amazon Web Services (AWS), the company built a document search solution to retrieve procedural documents on their insurance products and policies, launching the solution at its call centers.
  • India

    Protium drives innovation in the cloud with AWS

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  • Europe, Middle East, & Africa

    TP ICAP on AWS

    Liquidity and data solutions specialist TP ICAP is trusted by clients worldwide for its market intelligence, data and analytics, and broking services. The company has moved 50 percent of its IT estate to Amazon Web Services, giving it the scale and security to run critical financial trading platforms as well as accelerating decarbonization and supporting its commitment to sustainability. By using the latest generative artificial intelligence solutions such as Amazon Bedrock, TP ICAP’s Parameta Solutions is transforming how its teams put new ideas into action.
  • United States

    Coinbase Boosts Efficiency and Accelerates Development by Collaborating with AWS

    Discover how Coinbase works with AWS experts to drive cost savings, scalability, reliability, and accelerated development.
1 157


各行各業各種規模的組織每天都在使用 AWS 來變革其業務和履行其使命。聯絡我們的專家,立即開始您的專屬 AWS 雲端之旅。