
WB 標誌

WB Games 使用 AWS 追求資料驅動型敘事藝術

透過使用 AWS 服務,WB Games 能夠取得、吸收、分析和採取行動洞察,協助開發人員更積極地把握機會,並採用更靈活的故事敘述方式。 

擁有將近 100 年娛樂歷史的 Warner Bros. 深信精彩故事的力量。DC 漫畫、《權力遊戲》和《真人快打》僅是其中由 WB 改編為電影、游戲與各種媒體等的全球知名系列。

Warner Bros. 的電玩遊戲部門 WB Games 利用資料改進遊戲開發的創作過程。透過使用 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 解決方案,例如 Amazon SageMakerAmazon RedshiftAmazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3),WB Games 能夠取得、吸收、分析和採取行動洞察,協助開發人員更積極地把握機會,並採用更靈活的故事敘述方式。 

若要進一步了解,請觀看以下影片,並造訪 aws.amazon.com/gametech。 


我們可以在 AWS 生態系統中輕鬆獲得各種工具,以便迅速地從業務挑戰中獲得嶄新意念,再製作作品原型。

Shawn Connor
WB Analytics 資料科學與商業情報總監

使用的 AWS 服務

Amazon SageMaker

建置、訓練和部署機器學習 (ML) 模型,用於具有全受管基礎設施、工具和工作流程的任何使用案例

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Amazon Redshift


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Amazon S3


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Showing results: 17-20
Total results: 155


  • Malta

    Accelerating New Market Launches from 9 Months to 3 Weeks on AWS with Blexr

    Lead generation company Blexr uses AWS services to become more agile and scalable and deliver better customer experiences faster at half the compute cost. The company connects customers with offers from online gaming brands. Its previous architecture was complex and monolithic, slowing innovation. Blexr containerized its infrastructure on AWS and took advantage of scalable AWS services to improve agility, increase conversion rates by 30 percent, and accelerate new market launches from 9 months to 3 weeks. Now, it’s positioned to continue delivering a great customer experience as it expands globally.
  • United States

    Scenario Produces 100,000 Images Daily Using Generative AI on AWS

    Scenario built out its generative AI offering in 2 months to help customers in 40 countries worldwide accelerate game development. The company scaled rapidly to generate millions of images each month.
  • Singapore

    Razer Deepened Gamer Engagement Using Amazon Personalize

    Razer turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a solution and used Amazon Personalize intelligent user segmentation and advanced filtering features. Click-through rates for Razer Synapse, its unified cloud-based hardware configuration tool, were 10x better than industry standards using Amazon Personalize, generating additional revenue for the business.

  • United States

    Notorious Studios Builds a Scalable Game Analytics Pipeline for Player Research on AWS

    Video game startup Notorious Studios deployed a serverless game analytics pipeline on AWS to help accelerate the design process and improve the player experience of its first title game, Legacy: Steel & Sorcery.

1 39


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