製造和工業企業的營運領導者面臨著資產、流程、材料和人員資料來源互不關聯、鬆散且相互孤立的困擾。這些資料來源無法得到整合利用,因此企業很難利用資料解決業務問題和做出明智的決策。AWS 上的工業資料經緯解決方案可協助您建立資料管理架構,實作可擴展、統一且整合的機制,從而將資料作為資產來利用。透過提供經濟實惠、安全且可輕鬆存取的高品質資料集,這些解決方案讓企業領導者可以為數位工業轉型奠定基礎,並在品質、維護、材料管理和流程最佳化等多個方面最佳化營運。


AWS 合作夥伴提供的軟體、SaaS 或受管服務

Showing results: 1-6
Total results: 11
  • 發佈日期
  • Palantir Foundry

    Palantir Foundry empowers critical institutions of varying technical maturity to harness data throughout their operations and power their most critical decisions. Foundry provides seamless data management, analysis, and operational workflows atop a secure, extensible platform.
  • Snowflake AI Data Cloud

    Snowflake eliminates data silos to deliver a unified platform that makes data and AI easy, efficient, and trustworthy.
  • HighByte Intelligence Hub

    HighByte Intelligence Hub is the only Edge-native DataOps solution built for industrial data. HighByte Intelligence Hub bridges the OT-IT gap by providing a solution to easily integrate industrial information across many systems and maintain these integrations throughout the life of the factory.
  • Twin Talk

    TwinTalk, an event-driven, real-time data sharing platform, enables you to read, write, monitor and stream large amount of operational sensor data bi-directionally between operational system (such as OSIsoft PI) and public/private clouds, data lakes, platforms, and AI, ML or analytics applications.
  • Twin Sight

    Twin Sight – intuitive, simple visualization tool and dashboard builder that provides fast, easy, and secure access to operational, engineering, transactional real-time data and semantic data. An intuitive, modern approach to visualizing operational data and semantic metadata in conjunction with analytics, ML insights for anomaly detection, production optimization, and operation monitoring and optimization across all production sites.
  • CloudRail.DMC

    The CloudRail.DMC is a fleet management for industrial gateways that connect machines to AWS IoT Core, IoT Sitewise and IoT Greengrass.
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Showing results: 1-6
Total results: 10
  • 發布日期
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