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Key aspects of our service include:

  • AWS Well-Architected Framework Orientation: Detailed insights into AWS's architectural and operational best practices.
  • Architecture Review and Whiteboarding: In-depth analysis of your AWS setup against FTR criteria, identifying areas for enhancement.
  • CIS Benchmarking: Application of CIS Benchmark (v1.4) against your environment to pinpoint security improvements.
  • Remediation Support: Actionable recommendations with hands-on support for implementation, alongside a future action roadmap.

Deliverables Our comprehensive deliverables aim to fully prepare your software for AWS Marketplace listing, including:

  1. FTR Report: An assessment report detailing findings against AWS Well-Architected and FTR guidelines.
  2. Recommendations Summary: Expert advice on improving security, reliability, efficiency, and cost optimization.
  3. Remediation and Implementation Plan: A clear strategy for addressing recommendations and a roadmap for ongoing enhancements.

Leveraging Eficens FTR service positions your product for success in the AWS Marketplace, unlocking the potential for co-selling opportunities with AWS and building customer trust with validated compliance and optimization.

Sold by Eficens Systems Inc
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.
