Getting Started with Amazon FSx for Lustre
Create and launch your Amazon FSx for Lustre file system
Sign up for a free AWS account
After learning about Amazon FSx for Lustre, it's easy to sign up for AWS and start using FSx for Lustre to run your compute-intensive workloads on AWS. Here are the simple steps to get started.
If you don't have an AWS account, set one up for free.
Learn about FSx for Lustre
You can dig into the FAQs for key facts, and dive deeper in the docs. Also, stay tuned for more recorded sessions, blogs and demos.
Go to the Console
Visit the Amazon FSx for Lustre console to create, launch, and manage your file systems. In minutes, you can create a compute-intensive file system.
Mount your FSx for Lustre file system
Mount your FSx for Lustre file systems on EC2 instances or on-premises clients.
Copy data to FSx for Lustre
Link your FSx for Lustre file system to Amazon S3 and automatically copy your data. To burst your workloads from on-premises to FSx for Lustre you can use Amazon Direct Connect or VPN.
Run your workloads and write results back
Run workloads with your data on FSx for Lustre, and at any time write results back to your long-term S3 data lake or on-premises data store. Simply delete your FSx for Lustre file system when your workload finishes.