AWS 消費品能力合作夥伴

AWS 合作夥伴提供精深的產業專業知識、久經驗證的技術知識和客戶成功記錄,藉以發揮商業價值並加速推動創新


藉助 AWS 和 AI/ML 加速消費品創新

探索 AWS 及其合作夥伴如何協助公司現代化 IT 基礎設施、遷移至雲端,以及開發創新應用程式,同時保障關鍵系統。了解變革消費品產業的現代化 AI/ML 解決方案。

AWS 消費品能力合作夥伴提供現代化產業技術解決方案和專家諮詢服務,可針對六個解決方案領域的消費品公司營運模式進行端對端轉型:行銷、供應鏈、製造、產品開發、統一商務以及 IT 與數位轉型。這些驗證 AWS 合作夥伴提供經過測試的解決方案和服務,可加速整個企業的產業數位轉型。其產品有助於提升營運效率,促進銷售和行銷計畫以實現增長,並建立消費者喜愛的品牌。

AWS 能力合作夥伴計畫旨在透過嫻熟的 AWS 技術專業知識和可靠的客戶成功經驗來識別、驗證和推廣 AWS 合作夥伴。AWS 消費品能力合作夥伴已透過根植於 AWS Well-Architected Framework 的嚴格技術驗證,可在雲端設計、建置和操作可靠、安全和高效的解決方案。


探索更多的 AWS 消費品合作夥伴解決方案和資源。

  • 成功案例
  • 16-18 (24)
    Showing results: 16-18
    Total results: 24
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    • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

      Dole Packaged Foods & Syntax

      Dole Packaged Foods, LLC (Dole) improved system performance and gained a platform for innovation with the help of AWS Premier Services Partner Syntax. Syntax referenced the AWS Well-Architected Framework to create an SAP ERP design across multiple availability zones (AZs) for cost-effective security and resiliency. With the move to AWS, Dole achieved its targeted monthly spend, without compromising quality of service.
    • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

      Plantensive & Norwex

      United States

      Plantensive migrated the Blue Yonder supply chain application suite at Norwex to the AWS cloud within a few months. Optimized with the speed, agility, and embedded security features of AWS, Plantensive hosted the application on a flexible infrastructure that was easily scaled as the company continued its rapid expansion, opening several warehouses in new regions around the world.

    • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

      Mila & Horsa Group


      Mila chose to move to SAP on AWS to reduce the environmental footprint of its technology estate as well as to reduce costs and increase innovation.

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