AWS 消費品能力合作夥伴

AWS 合作夥伴提供精深的產業專業知識、久經驗證的技術知識和客戶成功記錄,藉以發揮商業價值並加速推動創新


藉助 AWS 和 AI/ML 加速消費品創新

探索 AWS 及其合作夥伴如何協助公司現代化 IT 基礎設施、遷移至雲端,以及開發創新應用程式,同時保障關鍵系統。了解變革消費品產業的現代化 AI/ML 解決方案。

AWS 消費品能力合作夥伴提供現代化產業技術解決方案和專家諮詢服務,可針對六個解決方案領域的消費品公司營運模式進行端對端轉型:行銷、供應鏈、製造、產品開發、統一商務以及 IT 與數位轉型。這些驗證 AWS 合作夥伴提供經過測試的解決方案和服務,可加速整個企業的產業數位轉型。其產品有助於提升營運效率,促進銷售和行銷計畫以實現增長,並建立消費者喜愛的品牌。

AWS 能力合作夥伴計畫旨在透過嫻熟的 AWS 技術專業知識和可靠的客戶成功經驗來識別、驗證和推廣 AWS 合作夥伴。AWS 消費品能力合作夥伴已透過根植於 AWS Well-Architected Framework 的嚴格技術驗證,可在雲端設計、建置和操作可靠、安全和高效的解決方案。


探索更多的 AWS 消費品合作夥伴解決方案和資源。

  • 成功案例
  • 22-24 (24)
    Showing results: 22-24
    Total results: 24
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    • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

      Appeltje Eitje & DI-VISION


      Visit the Appeltje Eitje store in Arnhem and you’ll find a shop that operates without any staff, with walls of vending machines filled daily by the farmers who own the business. The machines include items that can be as simple as an apple or an egg, and customers serve themselves and pay by touchscreen. The company is an innovative Dutch micro-food store startup with a clear vision to simplify and shorten the food chain from farmer to market, making the world healthier and more wholesome. The startup turned to DI-VISION Consulting (DI-VISION) for a scalable and reliable hardware and software solution to implement Internet of Things (IoT) services, serverless computing, and digital transformation workloads with AWS. DI-VISION was well placed because of its serverless specialty, integrated digital innovation approach, and values that aligned with Appeltje Eitje’s.

    • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

      Pacific Market International & Amperity

      United States

      Pacific Market International (PMI) worked with Amperity to consolidate over 10 disparate data sources and feeds to provide PMI with a single view of the customer, enabling delivery of personalized communications and 7x the previous conversion rate.

    • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

      UnderArmour & Wirewheel

      United States

      With WireWheel on AWS, Under Armour had a tool to help demonstrate GDPR compliance and conduct GDPR-focused third-party audits in just four months. As an unexpected result of the audit process, the company discovered redundancies in some service providers, identifying potential cost savings.

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