Strategi Cloud

Mendorong pertumbuhan melalui kepemimpinan dinamis dalam strategi cloud

Cloud for CEOs: Innovating at Scale in the Age of AI (Cloud untuk CEO: Berinovasi dalam Skala Besar di Era AI)

Mentransformasi bisnis secara digital memerlukan hubungan dengan pelanggan, pemahaman kebutuhan mereka, dan respons lebih cepat dari sebelumnya. Organisasi paling sukses saat ini mengganggu pesaing mereka dan memasuki pasar baru dengan berinovasi lebih cepat dan efisien berkat bantuan kecerdasan buatan dan cloud.

Cloud for CEOs: Innovating at Scale in the Age of AI (Cloud untuk CEO: Berinovasi dalam Skala Besar di Era AI)

Apa pertimbangan utama untuk kepemimpinan perusahaan saat menggunakan cloud?

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  • Podcast

    Designing a Cloud Center of Excellence

    Featuring AWS Enterprise Strategist Mark Schwartz

    Many companies have found that a cloud center of excellence (CCOE) can accelerate their migrations to the cloud and broader digital transformations. These CCOEs take many forms, which is appropriate because each company has unique challenges to overcome. Nevertheless there are certain patterns and antipatterns for using a CCOE, and in this episode Enterprise Strategist Mark Schwartz will clarify the purpose of a CCOE, its composition and operation, and the impact you should expect from it.

    Learn more about these topics on the Enterprise Strategy blog.

  • 3P Article

    How do you Measure ROI from your Data Initiatives?

    Also featuring Mark Schwartz, AWS Enterprise Strategist

    John Remo, SVP, Global Infrastructure and Security, Warner Music Group shares how organizations can measure success and make sure their data strategy creates business value.

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  • 3P Article

    Data Expert Tanya Coutray on Strategies that Fuel a Data-Driven Culture

    Creating a data-driven business culture is imperative. Hear from Tanya Coutray, AWS Global Technology & Data Analytics Executive, on what a successful data strategy looks like.

    Creating a data-driven business culture is imperative. Hear from Tanya Coutray, AWS Global Technology & Data Analytics Executive, on what a successful data strategy looks like.

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  • 3P Article

    How Can I Shift to Become More Customer-Centric

    by Miriam McLemore, AWS Enterprise Strategist

    Miriam McLemore serves as a director of enterprise strategy at AWS and helps senior leadership teams use the cloud to positively transform their business and drive innovation. Prior to joining AWS, McLemore spent over 25 years at The Coca-Cola Company in business and technology leadership positions, where she led multiple digital transformation initiatives.

    Read Miriam's advice for how to make IT more customer-centric.

  • Article

    Building more responsible AI

    How can a company move the needle on building a responsible AI program? For many companies, a key piece of the puzzle is education. The more you know, the better you can build.

    The implementation of fair, responsible, and accurate AI is a top management priority for most companies, a recent report by BCG and MIT’s Sloan School has found. But only 52% of companies report having a responsible AI program in place. And of those, 79% say it’s not the kind of fully-implemented program they want. How can a company move the needle on building a responsible AI program? For many companies, a key piece of the puzzle is education. The more you know, the better you can build.

  • Podcast

    120: Succeeding in Economies of Speed: Rethinking Your Levers, Part 1

    Conversations with Miriam McLemore, AWS Enterprise Strategist

    When leaders look to change their organization, they often begin with restructuring, defining new processes and guidelines, or granting exceptions to innovation units. However, transformation isn’t just about doing existing things better; it’s foremost about doing things differently. This session by Enterprise Strategist Miriam McLemore from AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas highlights why transformation is different from any other project and challenges leaders to rethink their levers for change. 

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