How do I check, scale, delete, or drain my worker nodes in Amazon EKS?

4 minute read

I used eksctl or the AWS Management Console to launch my Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) worker nodes. Now I want to check, scale, drain, or delete my worker nodes.


Check your worker nodes

To list the worker nodes that are registered to the Amazon EKS control plane, run the following command:

kubectl get nodes -o wide

The output returns the name, Kubernetes version, operating system (OS), and IP address of the worker nodes.

To get additional information on a single worker node, run the following command:

kubectl describe node/node_name

Note: Replace node_name with your value, for example:

The output shows more information about the worker node, including labels, taints, system information, and status.

Scale your worker nodes

Note: If your node groups appear in the Amazon EKS console, then use a managed node group. Otherwise, use an unmanaged node group.

Use one of the following methods to scale your worker nodes.

Scale worker notes with eksctl

To use eksctl to scale your managed or unmanaged worker nodes, run the following command:

eksctl scale nodegroup --cluster=clusterName --nodes=desiredCount --name=nodegroupName

Note: Replace clusterName, desiredCount, and nodegroupName with your values.

Scale worker nodes without eksctl

To scale your managed worker nodes without eksctledit the node group configuration.

Scale worker nodes with CloudFormation

To use AWS CloudFormation to scale your unmanaged worker nodes, complete the following steps:

  1. Use a CloudFormation template to launch your worker nodes for Windows or Linux.
  2. Modify the NodeAutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity, NodeAutoScalingGroupMinSize, or NodeAutoScalingGroupMaxSize parameters in your CloudFormation stack.

Drain your worker nodes

Important: The drain action isolates the worker node, and Kubernetes no longer schedules any new pods on the node. Pods that run on the target node are removed from draining nodes and are stopped.

You can drain either an entire node group or a single worker node.

Drain the entire node group

If you use eksctl to launch your worker nodes, then run the following command:

eksctl drain nodegroup --cluster=clusterName --name=nodegroupName

Note: Replace clusterName and nodegroupName with your values.

To drain the node group, run the following command:

eksctl drain nodegroup --cluster=clusterName --name=nodegroupName --undo

Note: Replace clusterName and nodegroupName with your values.

If you don't use eksctl to launch your worker nodes, then identify and drain all the nodes of a particular Kubernetes version. For example:

nodes=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.status.nodeInfo.kubeletVersion==\"v$K8S_VERSION\")]}")
for node in ${nodes[@]}
    echo "Draining $node"
    kubectl drain $node --ignore-daemonsets --delete-local-data

To identify and drain all the nodes of a particular Kubernetes version, use the following code:

nodes=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.status.nodeInfo.kubeletVersion==\"v$K8S_VERSION\")]}")
for node in ${nodes[@]}
    echo "Uncordon $node"
    kubectl uncordon $node

Note: To get the version of your worker node, run the following command. The version number appears in the VERSION column:

$ kubectl get nodesNAME                                      STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
ip-XXX-XXX-XX-XXX.ec2.internal            Ready    <none>   6d4h    v1.18.8-eks-7c9bda
ip-XXX-XXX-XX-XXX.ec2.internal            Ready    <none>   6d4h    v1.18.8-eks-7c9bda

Drain a single worker node

If you don't use eksctl to launch your worker nodes or you want to drain only a specific node, then gracefully isolate your worker node:

kubectl drain node_name --ignore-daemonsets

Note: Replace node_name with your value.

To undo the isolation, run the following command:

kubectl uncordon node_name

Note: Replace node_name with your value.

To migrate your existing applications to a new worker node group, see Migrating to a new node group.

Delete your worker nodes

Important: The delete action is unrecoverable.

If you use eksctl, then run the following command:

eksctl delete nodegroup --cluster=clusterName --name=nodegroupName

If you have a managed node group, then complete the steps in Deleting a managed node group.

If you have an unmanaged node group and you used a CloudFormation template to launch your worker nodes, then delete the stack. You must delete the stack that you created for your node group for Windows or Linux.

If you have an unmanaged node group and didn't use a CloudFormation template to launch your worker nodes, then delete the Auto Scaling group. If you didn't use an Auto Scaling group, then terminate the instance directly.

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 4 months ago