Posted On: Sep 12, 2013

We are excited to announce the availability of DynamoDB Local, a client side test tool that mimics the Amazon DynamoDB web service. You can now write and test code that uses the Amazon DynamoDB API even if you have no network connection.

When you use DynamoDB Local, all Amazon DynamoDB API actions are routed to DynamoDB Local – a small, efficient server that runs on your computer. When your application creates a table, it is created in DynamoDB Local. Similarly, when your application modifies data in that table, DynamoDB Local applies the change and stores it in a file on the local file system.

Get started by visiting the Amazon DynamoDB Best Practices, How-Tos, and Tools page and downloading DynamoDB Local. There are no charges for using DynamoDB Local. To learn more see documentation and Jeff Barr’s Blog post.