Amazon GameLift Servers Documentation
- Learn how to integrate and deploy games for hosting on Amazon GameLift Servers. The Amazon GameLift Servers service manages game server deployment, operation, and scaling. You can deploy custom-built game servers or use Amazon GameLift Servers Realtime Servers to configure lightweight game servers for your game.
- Learn how to use FleetIQ with games that are hosted on Amazon EC2 with Auto Scaling. FleetIQ optimizations make game hosting viable on low-cost Amazon EC2 Spot Instances by improving server availability. With FleetIQ and Amazon EC2, migrate your game hosting to the cloud or build custom systems using Amazon EC2, which supports a range of options including container-based architectures.
- Learn how to build custom matchmakers using Amazon GameLift Servers FlexMatch. Work with the FlexMatch rules language and algorithm customizations to fine-tune how players are matched into your games. Set up FlexMatch for games that use Amazon GameLift Servers managed hosting, or build a standalone FlexMatch solution to work with other hosting solutions.
- Look up all AWS CLI commands for Amazon GameLift Servers. Includes commands for all Amazon GameLift Servers components, including managed hosting, Realtime Servers, FleetIQ, and FlexMatch.
- Look up complete documentation for the Amazon GameLift Servers SDKs. Use the Server SDK to set up your custom-built game servers for Amazon GameLift Servers managed hosting. Use the Realtime Client SDK to enable your game clients to interact with Realtime Servers that are hosted on Amazon GameLift Servers.
Learn: AWS and Game Tech
Learn how to use AWS services to develop, host, and scale your multiplayer games, as well as to analyze game data to inform game operations and strategy.
The Amazon GameLift Servers Primer describes the full managed solution, touching on Amazon GameLift Servers's game service logic, session management, matchmaking, and other features. It describes the integration process and includes a demonstration of basic Amazon GameLift Servers game server operations.
The Game Server Hosting course explores multiple options for hosting game servers on AWS, including directly managing Amazon EC2 resources with an assist from Amazon GameLift Servers's FleetIQ. It includes sections on game server hosting with AWS core services and with containers. Several common case studies are presented with appropriate solutions.
Amazon GameLift Servers Primer