AWS 消费品业能力合作伙伴

借助 AWS 合作伙伴提供的深厚行业专业知识、成熟的技术知识和客户成功记录,释放商业价值并更快地推动创新


通过 AWS 和 AI/ML 加速消费品创新

了解 AWS 及其合作伙伴如何帮助公司实现 IT 基础设施现代化、迁移到云以及开发创新应用程序,同时保护关键系统。了解改变消费品行业的现代 AI/ML 解决方案。

AWS 消费品业能力合作伙伴提供现代行业技术解决方案和专家咨询服务,旨在帮助消费品公司在六个解决方案领域实现运营模式的端到端转型:营销、供应链、制造、产品开发、统一商务以及 IT 和数字化转型。这些经过验证的 AWS 合作伙伴提供经过测试的解决方案和服务,可加速整个企业的行业数字化转型。这些合作伙伴的产品有助于提高运营效率,推动销售和营销计划以实现增长,并打造消费者喜爱的品牌。

AWS 能力合作伙伴计划旨在甄选、验证和推广展现出 AWS 技术专业知识并具有经过验证的客户成功案例的 AWS 合作伙伴。AWS 消费品行业专业化合作伙伴已经通过了严格的技术验证,该验证以 AWS Well-Architected Framework 为基础,用于在云中设计、构建和运行可靠、安全、高效的解决方案。


了解更多 AWS 消费品合作伙伴解决方案和资源。

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  • 16-18 (24)
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    • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

      Dole Packaged Foods & Syntax

      Dole Packaged Foods, LLC (Dole) improved system performance and gained a platform for innovation with the help of AWS Premier Services Partner Syntax. Syntax referenced the AWS Well-Architected Framework to create an SAP ERP design across multiple availability zones (AZs) for cost-effective security and resiliency. With the move to AWS, Dole achieved its targeted monthly spend, without compromising quality of service.
    • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

      Plantensive & Norwex

      United States

      Plantensive migrated the Blue Yonder supply chain application suite at Norwex to the AWS cloud within a few months. Optimized with the speed, agility, and embedded security features of AWS, Plantensive hosted the application on a flexible infrastructure that was easily scaled as the company continued its rapid expansion, opening several warehouses in new regions around the world.

    • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

      Mila & Horsa Group


      Mila chose to move to SAP on AWS to reduce the environmental footprint of its technology estate as well as to reduce costs and increase innovation.

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