Posted On: Mar 25, 2020
Amazon Managed Blockchain now has support to publish Hyperledger Fabric peer node, chaincode, and certificate authority (CA) logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. You can use these logs to troubleshoot during chaincode development and maintain visibility into network activity and errors. CloudWatch Logs enables you to monitor, store and access log files from all your applications and AWS services in a single, highly scalable service. Additionally, you can set up and take actions on Amazon CloudWatch alarms triggered from logging events.
Hyperledger Fabric emits peer node, chaincode and CA logs. Peer node logs help you debug timeout errors associated with proposals and rejected proposals that do not meet the endorsement policies. Chaincode logs contain the results of instantiating, invoking and querying chaincode, and helps to analyze and debug the business logic. CA logs help you determine when a member enrolls to communicate with the network, or when new peers register with the CA.