Use existing Cognito User Pools & Identity Pools for your Amplify project

Posted on: Oct 21, 2020

With today’s Amplify CLI release, you gain the ability to import existing Amazon Cognito resources into your Amplify project. Just run the “amplify import auth” command and Amplify CLI will automatically configure all your Amplify-provisioned resources (GraphQL APIs, S3 buckets and more) to be authenticated with your designated existing Cognito User Pool or Identity Pool.  

Now, you’ll be able to:

  • enable Amplify categories (such as API, storage, and function) for your existing user base;
  • incrementally adopt Amplify for your application stack;
  • independently manage Cognito resources while working with Amplify

Your Amplify Library configuration also becomes easier to maintain because the configuration files (aws-exports.js, amplifyconfiguration.json) are automatically populated with your chosen Amazon Cognito resource information. 

Get started by reading our blog post on how to re-use an existing Cognito User Pool & Identity pool for Amplify API & Storage categories, the documentation, or by running “amplify import auth” in your Amplify project.