Posted On: Feb 16, 2022

Amazon Redshift now offers more efficient query processing for Redshift Concurrency Scaling clusters. Concurrency Scaling automatically adds and removes capacity to handle unpredictable demand from thousands of concurrent users.
Automatic Workload Management(AutoWLM) is designed to process queries more efficiently and is now enabled with Concurrency Scaling clusters.

AutoWLM uses machine learning to enable Amazon Redshift to predict and manage memory usage and query concurrency. Redshift clusters when configured to use AutoWLM, will now also use AutoWLM for Concurrency Scaling clusters. You can monitor your Concurrency Scaling usage using Amazon Redshift Console. 

We recommend that you use AutoWLM to eliminate the effort to manually manage workload and take advantage of more efficient query processing. To learn more, please see AutoWLM documentation and Concurrency Scaling documentation.