Posted On: Mar 11, 2022

Amazon Personalize enables developers to improve customer engagement through personalized product and content recommendations – no ML expertise required. Personalize now supports AWS CloudFormation, an AWS service which allows you to automate the setup and deployment of resources through JSON/YAML text files, also called templates. You can use these templates to create or delete Personalize resources - schemas, datasets and dataset group resources, set-up dataset import jobs and configure solutions. Furthermore, you can configure, provision, and manage the complete lifecycle of these individual resources or a collection of them (stack) in a repeatable and efficient fashion through CloudFormation. Support for CloudFormation templates adds a complimentary new way of provisioning your Personalize service resources in addition to the Personalize Console and AWS CLI/SDK.

AWS CloudFormation support for Amazon Personalize resources is available in all Amazon Personalize regions. To learn more on how to use CloudFormation templates to manage Personalize resources, visit our Getting started guide.

Amazon Personalize enables you to personalize your website, app, ads, emails, and more, using the same machine learning technology as used by Amazon, without requiring any prior machine learning experience. To get started with Amazon Personalize, visit our documentation.