Posted On: Dec 20, 2022

On December 15 2022, AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces launched support for AWS Lambda aliases as Refactor Spaces Service endpoints. You can now use Lambda aliases with Refactor Spaces to route traffic to specific versions of a Lambda function and configure provisioned concurrency to mitigate Lambda cold starts.

AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces is the starting point for incremental application refactoring to microservices in AWS. Refactor Spaces automates the creation of application refactor environments including all of the infrastructure, multi-account networking, and routing to incrementally modernize. Use Refactor Spaces to help reduce risk when evolving applications into microservices or extending existing applications with new features written in microservices.

This new feature is available in all Regions Refactor Spaces is available. To get started with your first refactor environment, see these resources: