Posted On: Apr 20, 2023

AWS Amplify Flutter is announcing the launch of version 1.0.0, expanding support to web and desktop as target platforms. Amplify is a set of tools and services that help frontend web and mobile developers build secure, scalable, fullstack applications. With this release, Flutter developers can target 6 platforms, including iOS, Android, web, MacOS, Linux, and Windows. Developers can build Authentication, API (GraphQL +REST), Storage, and Analytics experiences with Amplify targeting the platforms that matter most to their users. 

Developers using Amplify Flutter can now enjoy a consistent experience for all platforms they target, thanks to the complete re-writing of the Amplify Flutter libraries in Dart. This means that Flutter developers can use the same codebase and libraries for all the platforms they target, which significantly reduces developments times, allowing developers to deliver value faster to their customers.

Learn more about this launch in our blog post, and check out our documentation to get started with building cross-platform Flutter apps Amplify.