Posted On: May 25, 2023

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis data tiering on Graviton2-based R6gd nodes now supports auto scaling to automatically adjust capacity to maintain steady and predictable performance at the lowest possible cost. You can automatically scale your cluster horizontally by adding or removing shards or replica nodes. ElastiCache for Redis data tiering uses AWS Application Auto Scaling to manage scaling and Amazon CloudWatch metrics to determine when it is time to scale up or down. 

ElastiCache for Redis data tiering supports target tracking and scheduled scaling policies. With target tracking, you define a target metric and ElastiCache adjusts resource capacity in response to live changes in resource utilization. The intention is to provide enough capacity to maintain utilization at the target value specified. For instance, when capacity utilization rises, ElastiCache will add R6gd nodes to your cluster to increase capacity and reduce utilization back to the target level. This enables your cluster to adjust capacity automatically to maintain high performance. Conversely, when capacity utilization drops below the target amount, ElastiCache will remove R6gd nodes from your cluster to reduce over-provisioning and lower costs. With scheduled scaling, you can set specific days and times for ElastiCache to scale your cluster to accommodate predictable workload capacity changes.

ElastiCache for Redis data tiering on R6gd nodes supports auto scaling in all AWS Regions where data tiering is available. Learn more about auto scaling in ElastiCache for Redis on the feature page or ElastiCache documentation.