Front-End Web & Mobile

AWS Mobile Hub Helper Code for iOS is now Available on GitHub

In March 2016 we announced Swift support for AWS Mobile Hub. To make it easier for developers to integrate, we moved the code into a single framework. A side effect of that move was that the source code was no longer included in the project download. Customers could not update the source code of the framework if they wanted to extend the features AWS Mobile Hub already supports.

Last week, we open-sourced the AWS Mobile Hub helper code on GitHub. You can find the source here and the API reference documentation here. To download the binary (framework) please continue to use the AWS Mobile Hub Console. From your AWS Mobile Hub project, choose Build, choose iOS Obj-C or iOS Swift, and download the source package.

Building the Source

If you decide to make changes to the source code, you can build the framework using the scripts located here. Here are the steps:

1) Clone the repo in any directory using:

	git clone

2) Change the directory to cd aws-mobilehub-helper-ios/. The Source code uses CocoaPods for dependency management. You can install CocoaPods by using sudo gem install cocoapods. Run Pod Install from the root directory. This installs all of the dependencies for the project. After the installation is complete, you should get the following message:


	Analyzing dependencies Downloading dependencies
	Installing AWSCognito (2.4.7)
	Installing AWSCore (2.4.7)
	Installing AWSLambda (2.4.7)
	Installing AWSS3 (2.4.7)
	Installing AWSSNS (2.4.7)
	Integrating client project Sending stats Pod installation complete!
	There are 7 dependencies from the Podfile and 14 total pods installed.

3)You can now run the following scripts from your project root directory using


This generates a static framework in the <ProjectRoot>/builtframework/framework and you can include it in your project. If you decide to update the version of any dependency, make sure that the framework file for that dependency is also updated in your project.


You can contribute to AWS Mobile Hub helper code by submitting pull requests on our GitHub repo. However, there are a few restrictions. If you would like to add an entirely new feature, submit feedback on the console for the new feature, using the feedback link on the bottom left corner of the console. Everything else, like minor patches and bug fixes, can be via pull requests.