AWS HealthLake is a HIPAA-eligible service enabling healthcare and life sciences companies to securely store and transform their data into a consistent and queryable fashion. Using the HealthLake APIs, healthcare organizations can easily ingest health data, such as medical reports or patient notes, from on-premises systems to a secure data lake in the cloud, and analyze it at petabyte scale. AWS HealthLake provides Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) APIs to help you build interoperability applications that conform to ONC and CMS patient access rules. Currently in preview, HealthLake supports SMART on FHIR support, patient access API, and Bulk data FHIR API export capabilities to help you unify and analyze your data to reduce operational costs and improve decision making. AWS HealthLake uses machine learning (ML) models to automatically understand and extract meaningful medical information from the raw data, such as medications, procedures, and diagnoses. AWS HealthLake organizes and indexes all the information and stores it in the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) industry standard format to provide a complete view of each patient's medical history. Organizations can build ML models with Amazon SageMaker and use advanced Amazon QuickSight analytics to understand relationships, identify trends, and make predictions from the newly normalized and structured data.


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