In this module, you provision an Amazon Aurora Serverless database and learn how to use the Data API for fast access via HTTPS.
Time to Complete Module: 20 Minutes
Amazon Aurora Serverless is a configuration for Amazon Aurora that offers on-demand automatic scaling capabilities. Amazon Aurora Serverless automatically increases capacity as your database load increases, and you can configure it to shut down entirely during times of low usage, such as overnight.
Amazon Aurora Serverless has a feature called the Data API which allows you to query your database via HTTP rather than the persistent TCP connection that is typically used for relational databases. This makes it easier to access your database from managed services, such as AWS Lambda or AWS AppSync.
In the following steps, you first provision an Amazon Aurora Serverless database. Then, you save your database credentials in AWS Secrets Manager as required for Data API usage. Finally, you learn how to connect to the Data API with the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js.
In this module, you provisioned your Amazon Aurora Serverless database. Additionally, you saved your database credentials to AWS Secrets Manager for use with the Data API. Finally, you ensured you were able to connect to your database with the Data API.
In the next module, you plan your data model for your application, use the Data API to create your tables, and load some sample data.