Posted On: Dec 9, 2014
To support the growing number of Earth science researchers on AWS, we are adding two new members to the collection of Public Data Sets on AWS: CGIAR Global Circulation Models (GCM) data and imagery from the Landsat 8 satellite.
We are working with CGIAR (a consortium of international agricultural research centers) to make their data more accessible and more easily available, with the expectation that it will lead to innovative ways to address critical food security and development challenges. The GCM data comes from the CCAFS Climate Portal and is available at s3://cgiardata. Please visit the Public Data Set catalog page for more information.
In support of the White House's Climate Data Initiative, we have committed to make up to a petabyte of Landsat earth imagery data from the USGS widely available as an AWS Public Data Set. By making Landsat data readily available near our flexible computing resources, we hope to accelerate innovation in climate research, humanitarian relief, and disaster preparedness efforts around the world. If you would like to be notified when this data becomes available, please go here and fill out the form.
For more information on these initiatives, please read the blog.