Posted On: Feb 22, 2017

AWS Elastic Beanstalk now supports creation and management of custom platforms to provide you with greater control over your Elastic Beanstalk instance and environment configurations. 

Previously, you could only use pre-configured Elastic Beanstalks platforms to run your applications. If you wanted to customize the environment configurations of Elastic Beanstalk's pre-configured platforms, you needed to add Elastic Beanstalk configuration files to your web applications’ source code or use the limited configuration options available in the Management Console or EB CLI. Now, you can author your own custom Elastic Beanstalk platforms and customize the Amazon Machine Image (AMI), the metadata, and the environment configuration options. This gives you the toolset to standardize your Elastic Beanstalk environments and implement best practices specific to your organization. For example, you can create Elastic Beanstalk platforms that run operating systems, languages, and application frameworks not currently supported by Elastic Beanstalk (e.g., Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise, Rust, Sinatra). By using your custom platforms, users in your account now can easily leverage your customizations without the need to provide instance customizations with their application bundles. 

You can author custom Elastic Beanstalk platform by creating an AMI with Packer, an open-source machine image creation tool, and defining configuration options via EB CLI, AWS APIs, and AWS SDKs. You can deploy your platform via EB CLI, AWS Management Console, AWS APIs, and AWS SDKs. Learn more about Custom Platforms here

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