Posted On: Feb 9, 2017

This new Quick Start automatically deploys a distributed (clustered) Splunk Enterprise environment on the AWS Cloud in 10-30 minutes.

The Splunk platform makes machine data accessible, usable, and valuable to everyone. Splunk Enterprise enables you to search, monitor, and analyze machine data from any source to gain valuable intelligence and insights across your entire organization. With Splunk Enterprise on the AWS Cloud, you gain all the flexibility of the AWS infrastructure to tailor your Splunk Enterprise deployment according to your needs, and you can modify your deployment on demand, as these needs change. The Quick Start was created by AWS in partnership with Splunk, Inc., to integrate solutions and services from both companies.

The Quick Start uses AWS CloudFormation templates to automatically deploy Splunk Enterprise into your AWS account. It uses the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for Splunk Enterprise running on Amazon Linux to set up EC2 instances that include the following:
• Splunk indexing cluster, with the number of indexers you specify (3-10)
• Splunk stand-alone or clustered search heads
• Splunk license server and index cluster master
• Splunk search head deployer, where applicable 

The Quick Start provides two deployment options to support test, POC, or production environments: You can either build a new, Multi-AZ AWS environment with a virtual private cloud (VPC), subnets, and other infrastructure components for Splunk Enterprise, or you can deploy Splunk Enterprise into your existing Multi-AZ AWS environment.

The Quick Start includes a deployment guide, which describes the reference architecture, provides step-by-step instructions for deploying Splunk Enterprise on AWS, and discusses configuration settings and best practices. To get started, use the following resources:
- View architecture and details
- View the deployment guide
- Browse and launch other AWS Quick Start reference deployments 

About Quick Starts
Quick Starts are automated reference deployments for key workloads on the AWS Cloud. Each Quick Start launches, configures, and runs the AWS compute, network, storage, and other services required to deploy a specific workload on AWS, using AWS best practices for security and availability. This is the latest in a series of Quick Starts built by AWS in collaboration with AWS partners to automate the deployment of popular products and technologies on AWS.