Posted On: May 18, 2017

You now have the choice of a second female German voice, Vicki, in addition to the German male voice Hans, and female voice Marlene. Vicki is a high-quality, TTS voice of a similar fluency and naturalness as the German voice of Alexa, able to fluently and intelligibly pronounce Anglicisms frequently used in German texts, including fully inflected version.

With the addition of this new female German voice, there are now a total of 48 voices in Amazon Polly’s Text-to-Speech portfolio. All 48 Amazon Polly voices are accessible worldwide from the following AWS regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and EU (Ireland). 

Visit the Amazon Polly documentation for more information about the service, navigate to the Available Voices page for the full list of voices in the Amazon Polly portfolio, or go straight to the Amazon Polly console to listen to all the Amazon Polly voices, today!