Posted On: Jul 11, 2017

The AWS Device Farm service now supports Appium version 1.6.5. This latest version now includes: complete support of W3C specification’s capability handling; latest Android SDK directory support; faster screenshot capture on Android 5.0 and higher devices; running tests with iOS 10.3.x and Android 7.x devices; setting the url in native context for opening deep links in iOS.

There are two ways to run tests using the latest Appium server: 1) schedule runs from the AWS Device Farm console and do nothing such that the latest Appium version is selected by default on the “Configure test” page or 2) schedule test runs from deployment scripts and simply update devicefarm schedule-run command “parameters”: from {“appium_version”:”1.6.3”} to {“appium_version”:”1.6.5”}.

AWS Device Farm is available globally based out of the US West (Oregon) region.