Posted On: Sep 12, 2017

Amazon Pinpoint now supports two-way text messaging which enables Amazon Pinpoint customers to receive text messages from their users. When a user replies back to a text message, Amazon Pinpoint will pass that text message to the customer who can programmatically respond back to that text message.

The two-way text messaging capabilities enables many new use cases for Amazon Pinpoint customers, particularly for multi-step transactional workflows that require than an action be taken in response to the receipt of a text message from a user to an initial outbound message. For example, a customer could use Amazon Pinpoint to alert a user to an event such as a subscription refill and ask the user if they would like to initiate the refill by responding to the initial message with a reply of yes or no. When the return text message is received, the Amazon Pinpoint customer can then programmatically process the responses and determine the next action to take, such as submitting an order to a pharmacy to refill the prescription.

Two-way text messaging is available on Amazon Pinpoint from US East (N. Virginia).