Posted On: Oct 12, 2017

Introducing Matthew and Takumi – the latest additions to the Amazon Polly text-to-speech portfolio.

Matthew is a confident and natural-sounding voice that rounds out our existing U.S. English selection, which also includes Ivy, Joanna, Joey, Justin, Kendra, Kimberly and Salli. Takumi is a pleasant and youthful male voice that complements Mizuki, the Japanese female voice. With these new releases, Amazon Polly offers a variety of options – 50 male and female voices across 24 languages – to provide you with greater choice and flexibility for your speech applications. Navigate to the Available Voices page for the full list of Amazon Polly voices.

Also, Amazon Polly is now available in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region, increasing the number of supported AWS Regions to five. This expansion into a new AWS Region allows you to provision Amazon Polly closer to your users, providing an even more responsive experience. To learn more, visit