Posted On: Oct 27, 2017

We’re pleased to announce a new set of AWS Deep Learning AMIs, which come pre-installed with deep learning frameworks optimized for the NVIDIA Volta V100 GPUs in the new Amazon EC2 P3 instance family.  

The new AMIs are pre-installed and configured with CUDA 9 for both Ubuntu and Amazon Linux, along with the other GPU drivers to take advantage of the speed of Volta on P3, including cuDNN 7.0, NCCL 2.0.5 and the NVIDIA Driver 384.81.

In addition to the latest drivers, the AMI also includes popular frameworks which have been optimized for P3 and Volta including Apache MXNet v0.12 RC1, Caffe2 v0.8.1 and Tensorflow (master).

Getting started with the AWS Deep Learning AMI is simple. You can start with just one click from the AWS Marketplace or follow this step-by-step guide to get started with your first notebook.

The CUDA 9 AMI is available in the following versions:

We’ll add additional frameworks as they become available for Volta. The CUDA 8 AMIs are still maintained and available, and include the latest stable, official “point” releases for TensorFlow, MXNet, Caffe, Caffe 2, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) and Keras. The CUDA 8 AMI is available in the following versions: