Posted On: Nov 29, 2017

Amazon Lightsail has added load balancers to its easy-to-use cloud platform, enabling developers to build scalable, highly available websites and applications easily and quickly. Load balancers can be launched in minutes, fully configured and ready to route traffic to Lightsail instances for a low, predictable price of $18 per month. Lightsail load balancers also allow customers to easily build and maintain secure applications that accept HTTPS traffic with free SSL/TLS certificates and intuitive, built-in certificate management. 

Lightsail load balancers distribute traffic across attached target instances with automated health checks that ensure traffic is sent only to healthy instances. By distributing traffic across instances, customers can use Lightsail load balancers to create highly available architectures and increase the uptime of applications and websites. With a Lightsail load balancer and attached instances, applications can also accommodate increases in traffic and maintain performance for users during peak load times. 

Lightsail load balancers also take the cost and complexity out of building HTTPS-enabled applications. Lightsail provides SSL/TLS certificates for free with use of a load balancer, along with integrated certificate management. Customers can easily request certificates from the Lightsail console with one click and validate them with a simple DNS entry. In addition, Lightsail will automatically renew certificates on customer's behalf before they expire.  

The Lightsail console offers a simple interface for managing load balancers and certificates, while the simple and powerful Lightsail API can be used to fully manage resources programmatically. Lightsail load balancers and certificate management are available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), EU (London), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Asia Pacific (Sydney). For more information on Amazon Lightsail load balancers, visit