Posted On: Nov 29, 2017

AWS IoT 1-Click is a service that makes it easy for simple devices to trigger AWS Lambda functions that execute a specific action. With AWS IoT 1-Click, simple devices such as the AWS IoT Enterprise Button and the AT&T LTE-M Button are ready to securely connect to AWS IoT right out of the box, making it easy to deploy these devices. You can activate devices by associating them to actions such as Lambda functions with a single click.

With AWS IoT 1-Click, you simply select your devices, associate your action, and deploy your application. To make it easier, AWS IoT 1-Click comes with prebuilt Lambda code to send email and text messages that can be chosen as actions to be triggered by your devices. Alternatively, you can choose a Lambda function in your AWS account to associate actions such as reordering goods and services, providing feedback on workplace resources, tracking assets, calling customer service and many more. Using AWS IoT 1-Click, you can add context to devices through identification and tagging such as user ID, location, or device name, and group devices by attributes. AWS IoT 1-Click also allows you to track utilization and status of deployed devices with reports that you can view, download, and use to take actions.  You can do all this even from your mobile phone using the AWS IoT 1-Click mobile app.

For more details on AWS IoT 1-Click, see the AWS IoT 1-Click page.