Posted On: Sep 4, 2018

Amazon SageMaker now supports a new HTTP header for the InvokeEndpoint API action called CustomAttributes, which can be used to provide additional information about an inference request or response. Using this header, it is easy to pass custom information such as trace ID, application specific identifier or other metadata to the inference request or response. This will help customers keep track of their requests or responses for audits or tracking metrics.

Calls to the InvokeEndPoint API action is authenticated using the AWS Signature Version 4 protocol. This protocol authenticates inbound API requests to AWS services, in all AWS regions.

The new header is now available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul) and Asia Pacific (Sydney) AWS regions. For additional information, please visit the documentation here.