Posted On: Sep 20, 2018

Use the AWS::IoT1Click::Device resource to change the enabled state of an AWS IoT 1-Click compatible device.


Use the AWS::IoT1Click::Placement resource to create an empty AWS IoT 1-Click placement.


Use the AWS::IoT1Click::Project resource to create an empty project with a placement template.


Support for new property “Throttle”, which allows users to specify throttling limits of the usage plan.

Support for new property DeploymentCanarySettings has been added. Users will be able to define the input configuration for the canary deployment when the deployment is a canary release deployment.


Support for following properties has been added:
“AuthorizationScopes” which is a list of authorization scopes configured on the method. The scopes are used with a COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer to authorize the method invocation.
“TimeoutInMillis”, users can define Custom timeout between 50 and 29,000 milliseconds.
“connectionType”, the type of the network connection to the integration endpoint.
“VpcLink” used for the integration when connectionType=VPC_LINK.

Support for the following properties is added:
“AccessLogSetting”, user can modify settings for logging access in this stage.
“CanarySetting”, user can modify settings for the canary deployment in this stage. These 2 new feature will also be available inside AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment.


Specify the type of service scheduling strategy using the SchedulingStrategy property.
Use the parameter containerName and containerPort of the property serviceRegistry to specify the container name and container port of the service discovery registries that are assigned to the service.


Setting the value for the size of /dev/shm volume with the SharedMemorySize parameter of LinuxParamters property.
Setting the container path, mount options, and size of the tmpfs mount with the Tmpfs property.
Configure the volume for an Amazon ECS TaskDefinition using the dockerVolumeConfiguration property.
Setting the value for the parameter CredentialsParameter of RepositoryCredentials property with the full ARN of the secret that you created, which allows your tasks to use images from private repositories.


Support for Online Cluster Resizing feature of ElastiCache for Redis has been added. As part of this feature, CFN presents a new update policy, which allows users to use the ModifyReplicationGroupShardConfiguration API to mutably update the number of nodes and node group configurations on an AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup resource.


Two new properties “EngineMode” and “ScalingConfiguration” can be added and set for RDS DB Cluster resources to enable and configure the settings of the new Serverless mode.

For a complete list of updated resources please click here.

To learn more about AWS CloudFormation, please visit our documentation page.