Posted On: Nov 8, 2018

Amazon Glacier is now available in the AWS South America (Sao Paulo) Region. Customers use Amazon Glacier to archive data for long term retention, for compliance, and to back up content that is infrequently accessed. Amazon Glacier can be used directly through the AWS Management Console; the AWS software development kits (SDKs) for Java, .NET, PHP, or Python; the Amazon Glacier API directly; or by using S3 Lifecycle policies to move existing objects stored in Amazon S3 to Amazon Glacier for archival storage. With this expansion, Amazon Glacier is now available in all AWS Regions.

At an extremely low cost of $0.0085 per GB-month, customers in the South America (Sao Paulo) region can use secure, durable, scalable, and flexible object storage with Amazon Glacier. Data stored in Amazon Glacier can be accessed in as little as 1-5 minutes using Expedited retrievals, 3-5 hours with Standard retrievals, or, for the most cost-effective retrievals, 5-12 hours with Bulk retrievals. Retention policies can be applied to Amazon Glacier data using Amazon Glacier Vault Locks and Vault Access Policies. Amazon S3 customers can use S3 Lifecycle Policies to reduce their storage costs by automatically archiving S3 objects. With Amazon Glacier Select, customers can run SQL queries directly on structured data stored in Amazon Glacier to uncover insights without the need to restore archived objects.

First time Amazon Glacier customers can try the service in the South America (Sao Paulo) region by using the AWS Free Tier. Visit the Amazon Glacier documentation website to learn about Amazon Glacier