Posted On: Nov 2, 2018

Hello! Bonjour! Hola! Ciao! Hallo! 안녕! 您好!您好!こんにちは!Olá!

Amazon S3 Management Console is now available in five new languages – Spanish, Italian, German, Traditional Chinese, and Portuguese – increasing the number of languages supported by the S3 Management Console to ten. The expansion of languages makes it even easier to configure, manage, and administer your S3 storage buckets and objects in your native language. The S3 Management Console is also available in English, French, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese.

Amazon S3 runs on the world’s largest global cloud infrastructure, and is designed from the ground up to deliver 99.999999999% of durability. With this launch, Amazon S3 is increasing support for its international customer base in Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Americas. Customers can interact with the S3 Management Console in their native language by using the Language Selector in the Management Console footer.

For a list of regions where Amazon S3 is available, see the AWS Region table. First time Amazon S3 customers can try the service by using the AWS Free Tier. Visit the Amazon S3 web page to learn more about Amazon S3.