Posted On: Nov 19, 2018

AWS IoT Device Management now provides features for fleet indexing and jobs that provide additional mechanisms to manage your fleet of devices. Fleet indexing makes it easy to query against device metadata or state across your fleet, and jobs allow you to send remote actions to one or many devices at once, control the deployment of your jobs to your devices, and track the current and historical status of your jobs running on each device.

New features for fleet indexing include device connectivity indexing and dynamic thing groups. Device connectivity indexing allows you to index your devices' AWS IoT Core lifecycle events to discover whether your devices are currently connected or disconnected to AWS IoT. With the addition of device connectivity indexing, you can now search across a device's Registry, Shadow, and connection data from the Fleet Index. For example, you can use device connectivity indexing to empower your customer support team to discover the firmware version and connection state for a customer’s device and quickly resolve issues.

Dynamic thing groups now let you automate the organization of your devices using groups defined by Fleet Indexing queries. A dynamic thing group can contain all of your temperature sensors on hardware version 1.1, are reporting a temperature > 90, and are currently connected to AWS IoT. Your dynamic thing group will automatically add devices that meet your specified criteria and will remove the devices that no longer match the criteria. You can take actions on the dynamic thing group such as deploying a job or setting a security policy that applies to all devices in the group.

Jobs dynamic rollouts and jobs code signing extend the capabilities provided with jobs. With jobs dynamic rollouts, you can now configure an exponentially increasing rate of deployment for your device update and define failure criteria to cancel your job if any failure thresholds are met. Jobs dynamic rollouts allow you to slowly ramp up your deployment while also setting guard rails with your failure criteria to minimize the potential blast radius of a bad update. You can also now use jobs code signing to digitally sign files that you send to your devices, helping to protect your devices from bad actors. You can sign any file with your signature and then verify the signed file on your device before execution to ensure your signed files are not compromised.

You can get started today via the AWS Management Console or by using our latest SDK. For more information, please refer to our documentation or visit our website.