AppStream 2.0 enables custom scripts before session start and after session termination

Posted on: Feb 4, 2019

Today, Amazon AppStream 2.0 announced session scripts. With this feature, you can implement custom scripts that execute before a user's session starts and after their session ends. These scripts simplify common scenarios for admins. You can easily customize a session based on user identity, configure applications before a session starts, collect logs, and perform cleanup tasks after a session ends. You can also use session scripts to upload usage data from the streaming session to S3 and use tools like Amazon Athena to analyze the data. For an example of using session scripts for usage insights, see Capture usage insights about your streaming environment with AppStream 2.0 session scripts on the Desktop and Application Streaming blog. To get started building your own session scripts, see Use Session Scripts to Manage Your AppStream 2.0 Users' Streaming Experience Session.

The session scripts feature is available today at no additional charge in all AWS Regions where AppStream 2.0 is offered. AppStream 2.0 offers pay-as-you-go pricing. Please see Amazon AppStream 2.0 Pricing for more information, and try our sample applications.