Posted On: Jul 30, 2019

AWS RoboMaker, a service that makes it easy to develop, simulate, and deploy intelligent robotic applications, now supports offline logs and metrics for its CloudWatch cloud extension.

AWS RoboMaker CloudWatch extensions provides the capability to stream logs and metrics to the cloud from remote robots. Many of these remote robots operate on the edge, where they don’t have a reliable network connection to the internet and may experience intermittent network connectivity to the cloud. The new offline logs and metrics capability in RoboMaker CloudWatch extension provides resilience to network connectivity issues and improves data durability. The streamed metric and log data will be buffered on local disk and sent to AWS later when a network connection has been restored.

AWS RoboMaker provide a robotics development environment for application development, a robotics simulation service to accelerate application testing, and a robotics fleet management service for remote application deployment, update, and management. RoboMaker also extends the most widely used open-source robotics software framework, Robot Operating System (ROS), with connectivity to cloud services. RoboMaker cloud extensions for ROS enable a robot to stream data, navigate, communicate, comprehend, and learn through AWS machine learning services, monitoring services, and analytics services. To get started, please explore the RoboMaker webpage or run a sample simulation job in the RoboMaker console

AWS RoboMaker is available in US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland and Frankfurt), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo and Singapore) regions.