Posted On: Aug 26, 2019

AWS Systems Manager enables you to manage large hybrid environments through an advanced on-premises instance management tier. With this launch, the advanced tier is now available in AWS China (Beijing) Region operated by Sinnet, and AWS China (Ningxia) Region operated by NWCD. The advanced tier enables you to manage hybrid environments with over 1,000 instances. The advanced tier also enables advanced functionality, such as using interactive shell access with Systems Manager Session Manager to connect to on-premises instances. Session Manager removes the need to open inbound ports, manage SSH keys, or use bastion hosts.  

Systems Manager allows you to remotely operate on on-premises instances by using a single set of APIs for both on-premises and Amazon EC2 instances. This facilitates your ability to scale. Enabling advanced on-premises instance management at the account level will convert existing on-premises instances to advanced instances and allow you to interactively manage your on-premises Windows and Linux instances using Session Manager.  

Systems Manager advanced on-premises instance management is priced on a pay-as-you-go basis. See the pricing page for details. Visit the AWS Systems Manager documentation or product page to learn more about this feature.