Posted On: Sep 6, 2019

Amazon QuickSight announces new features that improve organizing assets, send email alerts on anomalies, other improvements with anomaly detection capabilities and introduces Word Cloud chart type to represent categorical fields.  

QuickSight now supports Favorites that allow you to bookmark your dashboards and analyses. These bookmarked assets now appear in the Favorites section on your QuickSight home page. Using Favorites will allow you to go to your regularly accessed dashboards/analyses thus reducing time to search and find these assets. See here to learn more.  

QuickSight Anomaly Detection allows you to uncover hidden insights in your data by continuously analyzing billions of data points. With the current launch, you can now subscribe to receiving alerts to your inbox on the event an anomaly occurs in your business metrics. The email alert will also call out the factors that contribute to these anomalies. This allows you to act immediately on the business metrics that need attention. You can further configure to receive these alerts based on significance of the anomaly and its directionality. To learn how to subscribing to alerts, see here.  

QuickSight now supports filtering previous N data points within the data set. For example, you can apply these filters to view sales metrics until the previous week and exclude the current week with incomplete data. See here for details.   

QuickSight launched two new chart types previously, Donut and the Gauge charts. With this launch, QuickSight now supports Word Cloud allowing you to visually represent insights from categorical fields and their corresponding metrics. To learn more about Word Cloud, see here.

These features are available in both Enterprise and Standard QuickSight editions in US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland, Frankfurt and London) and Asia Pacific (Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo) regions.