Posted On: Sep 12, 2019

Amazon QuickSight launches Level Aware Calculations that allow you to derive advanced analytical insights independent of aggregations and filters applied on your charts. These are calculations that can be computed at a desired level in the overall query evaluation order of QuickSight. You can answer questions such as “How many customers have made one, two, three orders?”, “What is the contribution of each industry to the entire company’s profit irrespective of the filters applied?”. See the blog here to get started with Level Aware Aggregations.  

QuickSight now supports larger SPICE data sets on the Enterprise Edition. Earlier each SPICE data set could hold up to 25GB data. Now, all new SPICE data sets can accommodate up to 100 million rows (or 200GB) of data in the Enterprise Edition and 25 million rows (or 25GB) for Standard Edition. This raises the limit for your data sets, especially when the data set has many columns. See here for details.

Additionally, authors can how define the order of display of anomalies on dashboards. The options include sort by actual value, difference from the expected value, weighted difference from the expected value, computed anomaly score, weighted anomaly score. See here for details.  

SPICE data sets now support new string calculations. On SPICE data sets, you can now use concat, replace, locate, strlen, substring, trim and more string functions. See here for a complete list.  

These features are available in all QuickSight regions - US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Singapore and Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo). 

All other features are available in both Standard and Enterprise Edition. To upgrade to Enterprise Edition, see here.